Welcome to the “Patient-Oriented Research Curriculum in Child Health” or PORCCH for children, families, trainees, clinicians, scientists, educators, and administrators. PORCCH is an interactive online curriculum on patient-oriented research in child health. These interactive modules will include:
interactive tools
video vignettes
evaluation exercises
certificates of completion
research readiness for patients and families
PORCCH is a collaborative effort involving patients and families, health care professionals, clinician-scientists, and educational researchers from CCHCSP, the Ontario Child Health Support Unit, The Hospital for Sick Children, the BC SUPPORT Unit, Child Bright SPOR Network and the Ottawa Methods Centre. The overarching goal of PORCCH is to enhance skills and build capacity in patient-oriented research in child health.
Research 101 for patients and families
Patient Engagement in Research 101 for researchers
Ethics for patient oriented research.
Looking for access as soon as it is available? Join our email list to reserve your spot on the PORCCH.