CCHCSP 14th Annual National Symposium 2016
Event Description
Welcome to our 14th Annual CCHCSP Symposium, bringing all our 100 plus members across Canada together in a career development-oriented symposium that allows networking and sharing of research from across the country. We hope each of you will have the opportunity to participate in training sessions that will expand your clinician scientist skills and network with mentors and colleagues across the country in order to share experiences and learn from each other.
Post symposium survey – CLICK HERE
In order to claim your expenses kindly follow the below instructions
- Complete and sign the Expense Reimbursement Form called AP-2. If you are a SickKids staff in Toronto, please complete an AP-1
- complete rows 12-35 and sign on row 61 (the rest can be left blank)
- Email the completed excel form to [email protected] along with a PDF of all your receipts.
- Snail mail the printed signed original, with all your original receipts (including boarding passes) to Linda Pires. SickKids. CCHCSP. 555 University Ave. Rm7291. Toronto, ON. M5G1X8.
Please note from the time of receipt, it takes approximately 30 days for your request to be process by Accounts payable. I also ask that you please submit your receipts within a timely manner, preferably within 30 days from today.
If you are a CCCHR/MICYRN supported Rising Researcher (Shuliweeh Al-Enezi, Salima Meherali, Kyle Millar, Jennifer Li) please contact Stephen Barbazuk (cced above) regarding your expenses.
Quick Look
CCCHR/MICYRN Joint Symposium, Trainee Annual Evaluations, Gala Dinner and Keynote Address from Dr. Denis Daneman
Rapid fire abstracts. Workshops: mentorship, research to policy, & patient engagement. Poster session
Plenary Dr. Norman Rosenblum, Graduate presentations